In May of 2011,The Commission for Common-Interest Communities & Condominiums (CCICC), established by NRS 116 made a ruling on the set of fees that are allowed to be billed for non judicial foreclosure for Homeowner Associations. The fees are the same for all companies performing this service. (

The CCICC also ruled that any "hard costs" associated with the process may be billed with NO additional mark up. Hence costs are much the same across the board.


Silver State Trustee Services, LLC realizes that for many homeowners facing financial difficulties any additional cost may create an extreme hardship. Being that SSTS has established that:

Each account receives individualized services because we recognize each account has its own unique needs.

Based on this knowledge SSTS makes a conscious effort to keep costs to a minimum.

We offer our services on a contingency basis therefore we do not bill the HOA. Considering this course of action we look to the property owner to pay the fees and costs.

The following actions may be paid by the association if applicable to a file.


    • Bankruptcy File Set-up & Monitoring
    • File Cancellation
    • Taking Unit to Sale
    • The actual hard costs directly related to each file

All material contained on this site ©2012 Silver State Trustee Services LLC, Las Vegas NV
Please EMAIL our Web Master with any problems with the site.

This site designed and maintained by J-Darling.

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